Safekeeping Advice is a platform that brings employers and recruitment partners together. We are committed to providing the safest possible environment for companies to communicate and have their recruiting needs fulfilled.

Unfortunately, fabricated job postings might occasionally be listed on the platform, or non-existing job offers might be sent via email to unlawfully collect personal information and/or money from innocent job seekers. This also extends to bogus use of the platform’s name or details being used to extract personal information and/or money for fraudulent jobs. - in no way approves of these activities and will immediately inform the concerned employer and, if necessary, block them from using our services.

If you see a dubious job posting or received any such doubtful email communication from a possible user, do report it to us at

How to spot a doubtful Job offer, mail or posting:

Be on the lookout for these warning signs -

Beware of transfering money or information

Instances have been reported to us of fraudulent agencies/employers seeking money or other sensitive information from candidates seeking jobs. advises users to not accept to job offers that seek consideration in cash or any kind nor does it solicit any money from candidates for providing job opportunities.


Phishing is the fraudulent practice of trying to obtain confidential and sensitive information through emails concealed as more reputable sources.


Spoofing is when an email is forged to look like it is from someone or somewhere else rather than the original source.

Educate yourself on Phishing and Spoofing here.


If you see a questionable job posting or received any such suspicious email communication from a possible user, do report it to us at You can also block the sender from sending you further emails from your email client’s settings.